Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Times are a changin

Things have changed so much with this little bean girl.
Her head is so much bigger.
She falls asleep in a new way.
She wont sleep in "baby cradle." She likes to face outward.
She is content with her self for longer now.
She will sit in a bouncer or on the bed for a minute longer.

Priss is getting stronger.
She is having 3 hour Gymnastic practice twice a week!!!
She is doing hand stands, back up circles, and back handsprings.
Come see her. She loves spectators!!!!!

We will be leaving both of them in two weeks.
I'm worried about it.
I hope they will be okay.

I love them both so much.
Priss is such a good big sis.
Beaner toot is in love with priss.

This is what I wanted it to be like.

Hooray for girls.

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