Good day. (in aussie accent)
Beaner Toot is evolving at such a rapid rate this past month.
Things that have changed:
She can pull up to a standing position if holding onto support.
She can now get in the "crawl" position. (has yet to make the first real move)
She isn't a laughy girl, but she will screech till your ear drum bursts.
She enjoys being read to.
She falls asleep now facing sideways in a seated position with her head rested on my chest. (so adorable, ugh)
Things that are not changing:
She still isnt a fan of her stroller for a long period of time.
She HATES me walking out of the room.
Has perma-smile.
Sports the biggest blue eyes on the face of this planet.
Can make any old person melt.
Still loves to eat phones.
She makes music by blowing bubbles that makes me giggle.
Well, we miss sweet priss in this house. She has been gone for five days with her aunt in Destin. She is driving home as I type. We are excited for her to return. She was surely home sick. Is there a term for me missing her that is similar to "home sick"? (other than i miss her)
I have been doing a few design projects. It feels good to get back in the game. Since Lo entered this world, I have been on hiatus. I have been spending a lot of time catching up on current new award wining sites and brainstorming. It feels good.
So much more to say, but beaner toot just woke up. Stay tuned...
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