Monday, July 13, 2009

Only child syndrome.

I would like to know more mothers that have had more than one child. I NEVER thought about "age difference" when I was thinking of planning a family. But then, i'm not much into family planning. (obviously the current until the next one) I wish I could talk to another few families who have more than one and that have a significant age gap. I guess I need some sort of training.

Time Management - Check
Figuring out her naps - Check
Night time - Check ( one day needs to be adjusted)
Sissy bonding - Check
How to spend our days - Check
How to deal with Only Child Syndrome - I need a fucking manual/tutor/trainer/nanny/book/clone/whateverelseyoucansuggest

Giselle is graceful (most of the time). She will gently let me know she is tired of bean being awake. "Can she take two naps at a time?" or "Can we have Nay Nay Baby watch her today?" She will share her feelings in a kind manner. But she has THOSE feelings. She desires "mommy and me" time EVERY day.

I want to give that to her. But I want her to get used to being a sissy. I am ready for her to understand that there WILL be naps. There WILL be feedings. She WILL need to learn how to entertain her self as I need to put her to bed.

I read Mrs. Wolf's blog all the fucking time. I love her mothering style. I love how adorable Fable is. I love her honesty and experiences that are raw and similar to my life and struggles I can relate to... She has two children, but not the age difference I have. She talked about the guilt of a second child. And I have it. I would love to talk to other moms about how they handled this. And how long it lasted. I want to be there for Giselle like I used to be. But at the same time, take great care of Lola. I want to help Giselle with this transition as well as get help with this situation. There is a bigger age difference than just a couple years. She is a good girl. Don't get me wrong. She tries to be graceful about her suggestions and she NEVER has and evil/hurtful actions toward her sister. I just want to know what to do from here. I want to finish this summer with a bank. Keeping her busy, keeping it fun, and having us time.

Oh, secong children. I feel sorry for you. Tell me how you adjusted. (even though I was a second child, i don't remember that shit) Please.
What is the best age to bring another child into your family. We need to begin that planning.

Below is a video about Beaner Toot.

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1 comment:

Susan Ishmael-Poulos said...

Jen, mine are 2 1/2 yrs apart and Parker STILL wants Mommy-time- and she is 10. Second girls? Independent, loving, precious, and FIERCE. BTW your laugh on this vid is almost better than Lola's. You are doing just fine with both of them, keep it up!