dear beaner toot,
in five days you will have lived through six months of life. people say this time goes by fast, and perhaps it has. however this six months seems to have taken forever. your daddy and i feel like life has stood still since you came into our lives.
you have more than doubled your weight. you have gone from a little sleepy bean to a toot with a grin and a giggle. you have surprised us with your eagerness to see life while sitting up early. my weekdays at home with you are getting easier as you are getting older. you seem to like that you are able to see more. you now have one tooth up on the rise and a second one that should catch up in the next day or two. you have so many milestones yet to come, yet so many already reached. some one special said last week that "one can tell a baby that is loved." he said that your temperament and your personality, your laughter and constant smile from your eyes to your mouth displays the love that our family has. this is more than true. you are loved...
it is a little overwhelming to think of how fast time is moving. that in six more months you will have lived one entire year. that when giselle is 13 you will be 6. that when you are 20 mommy will be near 50.
beaner toot, our life has shifted to find a space for you. you are a perfect fit for our family. please maintain your health, your humor and your ability to nap... mommy needs you to nap... please!
i love you lola.
more than there are stars in the sky.
more than the number of kisses daddy will give you.
more than there will be hugs in your lifetime.
more than there will be teeth for you to grow.
more than the millions of things you will learn about.
more than there are cute outfits at gap/old navy/target.
more than there are baby design websites that mommy looks at.
more than the number of times we will say toot in your lifetime.
more than there are grinds in daddy's coffee.
more than there are words you will learn.
more than the number of times i will tell you "no".
more than the number of times you will tell ME "no".
more than there will be boys (or girls) that want to kiss you.
more than the amount of dollars you will ask to "borrow".
more than the times i will tell you,
i love you.
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