Friday, May 15, 2009

From this to that

Grapevines & snot on my shoulder.
Graduation & Breath taking views at the Chart House.
Visit at the ER & a game of LIFE.
Pebble Beach Golf Links & the highest stress I have felt in at least a year.
Sleepless nights & big sister bravery.

That is what we have been up to.

Jim and I celebrated on year married in California.
We visited Napa, Monterey & San Francisco.

When we returned, we discovered Lola was getting ill. We soon found ourselves in the ER and watched our Bean struggle through this traumatic time. Giselle stood brave and has been a star this week while Lola has needed to have more attention. Giselle had a stepping up ceremony and a field day. Next week we plan to take her out to play because she was such a good sport. Lola is getting better. She is still a snot head. Jim is beginning to not feel so hot. I really hope he stays healthy.

To Giselle: Im proud of you for owning your sister role this week.
To Lola Bean: Im so happy your are stronger and well now.
To my Husband: I thank you for the most rewarding and loving past year. I learned a lot this year.

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